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The article compares the primary names in Logos tradition and numeric matrix of antitradition. Tao as a metaphysical and also anthropological metaphor, according to the author's opinion, belongs to primary names’ ladder. How does logocentric «Russian idea» relate to the Chinese tradition of Tao? Hermeneutic clarification of metaphysical and anthropological content of these traditions is the maintenance of the article.
The article focuses on the analysis of the poetic word of
A. Tarkovsky. The coincidence of the poetic intuition of A. Tarkovsky
and linguistically-philosophical framework of Russian philosophers
is shown. The kinship of Russian metaphysical poetry and Russian
philosophy based on the Christian ontology testifies to the common
spiritual development of national culture.
This article is devoted to study of V.S. Solovyovs philosophical research оf «new religious consciousness» as alternative of reflective consciousness. The accent is given to peculiarities of ontological intuition in «metaphysics of universal unity» and to «positive dialectics» as methodology to comprehend supernatural primary substance. Solution of this problem is realized in context of analysis by the Russian philosopher of Gegels dialectics and his interpretation of identity law.
The article examines the teaching of Maximus the Confessor about the logoi and tropoi and observes the usage of the main principles of this teaching for the theoretical basis of Orthodox Missiology (Ministry Studies). The author emphasizes that the main problem of development of Missiology as a theological discipline is the lack of proper theological base, which is necessary for understanding the principles and logic of dissemination of God’s word within society.