
Social Capital as a Psychological Phenomenon

The article is devoted to the problem of substantiating the phenomenon of “social capital” as a psychological phenomenon. The purpose of the study presented in the article was to systematically review the articles devoted to the problem of social capital, executed in a psychological perspective.

Phenomenological Paradigm of a Social Order

The phenomenological method is directed not at studying of specialized forms of knowledge (as a science, for example), but at «daily knowledge», reality of the «Lebenswelt», previous to all theoretical systems. Its main theoretical source is the phenomenology of E. Husserl, recycled by A. Schutz to phenomenological sociology. Process of formation of the person occurs in interrelation with environment. Social order is a product of man, or rather, continuing human production. It created by man in the process of externalization.

Parameters of Destraction in Youth’s Socialization: Aspects of Methodology

In the article the methodological resource of the activity-related approach to define parameters of destructive pattern in the process of socialization of youth’s is investigated. The author demonstrates that use of this methodological resource focuses on process of search of
destructive behavior factors in areas of social livelihood and person’s conscious. Based on the performed study, the author specifies the level of the interaction of the destructive behavior parameters in information and communication fields as well as the cognitive structures.

About Rhetoric of Crisis in Philosophy

The article discusses the topic of the crisis of modern philosophy. This theme is presented as special crisis rhetoric not interested in philosophy. Rhetoric contrasts to theme of philosophy as a way of escaping from the externally imposed rhetorical tricks. As a result, attempt to define a specific mode of existence of philosophy and the philosopher is given.

The Axiological Aspect of Money Phenomenon

The problems of identifying the essence and definition of money, designation of various methodological approaches to the phenomenon in the context of modern domestic researches are considered in the article. The function of money extended beyond economic factors limits intensifies the existential-axiological component of the phenomenon. This allows us to refer to the axiological approach in the money phenomenon study.

The Problem of the Meaning of Life in the Philosophy of the Confucius

This article deals with some fundamental aspects of the philosophical ideas of the great Chinese thinker the Confucius. The author of the article tries to explore the Confuciuss views according to the circle of philosophical problems of the sense of life.

Art in Intellectual Aerial of the Modern Society

In the article «Art in intellectual aerial of the modern society» is produced trial of the inspecting art as the one of the factors which is directing development of the society. The factors lost their meanings. Appealing to the moment of the appearing of the creating efforts of the human, the author does the conclusion that those efforts appeared on the special basis of the attitude human with the world.

From Safety of XX Century to Culture of Safety of XXI Century

Social and political lifes reality causes the needs of recomprehending of the traditional imagines of safety. Previous view of its solution shows its transient character in consequence of the theory and the practice were found in front of necessity of making present phenomenas new paradigm. With a great share of probability we can state that the answer should search attached to investigation of varied problems of safety culture.

State, Society and Religion in West-European Civilization

For many ages society has been managed by different kind of states, from primitive to the most complicated. The history of religion in the space of Western Europe civilization is mostly the one of interrelations of churches and state institutes. The theme the article deals with is especially actual in the modern globalizing world.

The Methodology of the Social Research of the Institutional Person

The paper considers the methodology of the social research of the institutional person and a possibility of working out a universal methodology for an interdisciplinary investigation of the person and an analysis of the social being by interdisciplinary sciences.
