Cite this article as:
Лапченко А. В. Art in Intellectual Aerial of the Modern Society. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2008, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 36-?.
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Art in Intellectual Aerial of the Modern Society
In the article «Art in intellectual aerial of the modern society» is produced trial of the inspecting art as the one of the factors which is directing development of the society. The factors lost their meanings. Appealing to the moment of the appearing of the creating efforts of the human, the author does the conclusion that those efforts appeared on the special basis of the attitude human with the world.
Key words:
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2. Маркузе Г. Одномерный человек. М., 2003. С. 92.
3. Дюфрен М. Вклад эстетики в философию//Антология. Феномен человека. М., 1993. С. 347.
4. Юнг К.Г. Либидо, его метаморфозы и символы. СПб., 1994. С. 33.
5. Шугуров М.В. Человек: бытие и отчуждение. Саратов, 1999. С. 273.
6. Камю А. Миф о Сизифе. Эссе об абсурде. М., 1999. С. 28.
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