
Madness in the discourse of the “Other” in the contemporary philosophy

Introduction. This paper considers madness as a metahistorical category of culture as well as an excluded language in Western European culture that exists despite the language code. To determine the status of madness in the contemporary philosophy the author analyses the way it functions in the discourse of “the other”. Theoretical analysis.

Idea of «The Other» in riskogenic society

The article is devoted to consideration of a problem of «The Other» in refraction of a social and philosophical view of a place and a role of the person in the conditions of development of the techno-genic civilization creating conditions of transformation of human society in «risk society». The author, noting inevitability of consideration of «The Other», addresses to the analysis of modern philosophical concepts.

Phenomenological Paradigm of a Social Order

The phenomenological method is directed not at studying of specialized forms of knowledge (as a science, for example), but at «daily knowledge», reality of the «Lebenswelt», previous to all theoretical systems. Its main theoretical source is the phenomenology of E. Husserl, recycled by A. Schutz to phenomenological sociology. Process of formation of the person occurs in interrelation with environment. Social order is a product of man, or rather, continuing human production. It created by man in the process of externalization.

Function of Death in the Unconscious: J. Lacan's Interpretation of the Theory of Z. Freud

In this article the function of death in the Unconscious on the basis of the comparative analysis of theories of Z. Freud and J. Lacan is considered. In this context the death is considered as plural and repeating, included in a symbolical order of an exchange by the signifiers. The conclusion is drawn that a way what the subject finds the death completely is certain by that order of the signifiers at which death function is present as one of ways of relations of the subject to the Other. 

Mental Illness as Consequence of Social Transformations: Philosophical Interpretation of Medical-anthropological Researches

The aim of the article is the philosophical comprehension of some results of medico-anthropological research devoted to the problems of mental disorders in the context of social transformations. Following the tradition laid down by the philosophical work of Michel Foucault on the history of madness in modernity, the author proposes to continue the practice of comprehension of the most significant «fragments of insanity» in our modern world. This approach involves maintaining a dialogue with other forms of thought, including a discipline such as medical anthropology.

Reflection of the Concepts “Spirit” and “I” in Nonclassical Philosopy

This article is devoted to the research of the problem of the interconnection of consciousness, self-consciousness and spirit in the works of representatives of nonclassical philosophy. The subject of the study is the reflection of the concepts “I” and “spirit” in the writings of representatives of nonclassical philosophy. First of all, the work analyzes different, sometimes diametrically opposed, views of representatives of nonclassical philosophy on the interconnection of the concepts “spirit” and “I”.