
The practical component of early Greek philosophy

Introduction. The relevance of «practical philosophy» is contrasted with «traditional philosophy», detached from life. The final perspective sees the harmonization of theoretical-practical and practical-theoretical activity of philosophers, based on the appropriate historical and logical rethinking of the history of philosophy. The classical beginning is to emphasize the practical component of early Greek philosophy. Theoretical analysis.

Practical philosophy: Modern foundations and necessity

Introduction. The complexity, the rapidity of changes and considerable uncertainty of further social development reinforce the requirements for an effective positive influence of philosophy on what is happening. In general, we are talking about the modern concretization – based on the method of dialectical unity of historical and logical – of the fundamental problem of the connection of philosophy and science with life and practice. Theoretical analysis. In the history of philosophy, two opposing traditions of solving the problem of the connection of philosophy with life are being formed.

Skepticism: Historical and logical forms and perspectives

Introduction. The permanent relevance of skepticism is due to its ancestral connection with philosophy. The problematic nature of the definition of «skepticism» in the conditions of post-non-classical ambiguity of modern social development determines the immediate relevance of the analysis of skepticism. The complexity and novelty of the goal determine the choice of the historical and logical method of research and the emphasis on its logical component. Theoretical analysis.

Philosophical Process in Russia and China аt the Turn of XXI Century

The article discusses the problem of the worldview foundations of intercultural dialogue between Russia and China at the turn of XXI century. The author analyzes the dynamic of development of philosophical processes in Russia and China at the beginning of XXI century. The article is focused at the omnidirectional vectors of various trends that appear in the continuum of philosophical cultures of these countries.

Philosophical Aspect of Perceiving Landscapes as Sceneries

The article deals with the philosophical aspect of perceiving landscapes and reflecting the same in sceneries. The author pays particular attention to landscape and scenery research methodology, this methodology covering interdisciplinarity, synergy and convergence alongside with mental and sacral nature of these phenomena.

Dynamics of Philosophical Consciousness of Russia and China: Problem of Algorithms

The article is dedicated to a problem of algorithms of world-learning and understanding of philosophical consciousness in Russia and China. The author bases a proof of legitimacy of categorical and algorithmic description of world-learning dynamics and refers to analogy of analytical procedure of conducting of algorithmization of levels of abstraction through language of mathematical symbols and philosophical universals.

Genesis of Russian religious philosophy of the Slavophiles A. S. Khomyakov and I. V. Kireevsky

The article is devoted to the philosophical, religious and world views of A. S. Khomyakov and I. V. Kireevsky. Based on the analysis of the authors’ creative and epistolary heritage, the authors show the ambiguity of their judgment from the point of view of Orthodox theology. The hermeneutic method allowed the author to analyze the primary sources of A. S. Khomyakov and I. V. Kireevsky, their contemporaries and followers from the point of view of Orthodox theology to determine the degree of their compliance with Orthodox doctrine.

Problems of formation of environmental consciousness: Educational aspect

The formation of mass environmental awareness among the younger generation is one of the most pressing problems of environmental education that also needs support from state and public organizations, designed to ensure the continuity, accessibility and methodological content of its implementation in educational institutions of all levels. The article provides a brief overview of the historical and political preconditions for the established attitude to the environment in our country, and specifies the features of the manifestation of intrasystemic connections “nature-human-society”.

The Problems of Bioethics in Modern Science: Philosophical Aspect

The constructive solution of the diverse essential problems of human life in the space-time continuum of life involves an explanation of the specifics of the development of life on Earth from the perspective of bioethics. In the article, the human world and all living organisms of the biosphere are considered as unified dynamic and organic integrity. The principles of bioethics acquire an important role for the civilizational interaction of nature, a man and society within the framework of a single global system of life.

Moral Nature of Philosophy

The article explores the moral nature of philosophy. The source of philosophy is the duality of human existence. Philosophy is moral in its essence, being a way of life which actualizes the contradictory unity of the dual human nature in thoughts and deeds. Historically, there were three types of understanding the philosophy: the Sophia type, the epistemic type and the technematic type. The Sophia type, first formulated by Pythagoras, comes from the idea of love of wisdom. Being the fullness of knowledge, wisdom is accessible only to God. Man’s lot is the eternal search for wisdom.
