
Globalization and Individualization: Logic of Social and Philosophical Interrelation

Article is devoted to a research of processes of globalization in the context of the structure and specifics of transformation of global society. Against the background of globalization there is a deformation of the existing subjects that often is represented researchers of society as something, destroying social solidarity. The special place in the context of the delivered problem is allocated to a dichotomy research «collective – individual». The author criticizes the dominating theory that because of globalization there is individualization.

Social Philosophy of Hannah Arendt: Political and Ethic Aspects

The paper is devoted to the analysis of political, ethical and existential
grounds of a man’s being in the social philosophy of Hannah Arendt.
Actually her philosophy can be considered the political philosophy and
thus it focuses on historical perception of society in its human dimension
from the Ancient Greeks to modern Europe. The basic concepts of the philosophy of Arendt – «freedom» and «deprivation of freedom». It is
about the origins of total domination, about the need to overcome its