
The Problem of Cognition: Evolutionary Approach

The article deals with considering the problem of cognition offered by evolutionary epistemology, evolutionary cognition theory and the constructive ideas of Santiago cognition theory. Analysis of these conceptions shows that the world is revealed through the subject of cognitions and from this point of view cognition and existence are identical.

I. Kant and B. V. Rauschenbach on cognition and morality: The contact points

In the XXI century, the humanity continues to actively transform the world, technological progress puts rationalism in the first place as a worldview. Of course, the balance between rationalism and irrationalism in one time dimension and cultural space is difficult to achieve, each of these types periodically prevails and therefore has a specific impact on culture. At the same time, periods of changing cognitive and value orientations may be accompanied by crisis phenomena of a moral and ethical nature.

Scientific and Technical Rationality: Horizons of Interaction

The article develops the author’s concept of relations between communication and isolation in the structure of the totality of technology and science, the ratio of rational to normative scientific, cognitive and technical structures. The focus is on the nature of ideals and norms of scientific and technical research, the types of scientific and technical rationality, their interdependence, and their role in cognition. The aim of the work is a comparative analysis of scientific and technical rationality based on the study of the foundations of science, technology and paradigms.

The Idea of Problematic and Eidetic Cognition

In the center of the analysis is the phenomenon of problematicity in the process of evolution of rational structures of cognition, acting as a universal demand that characterizes the cognitive process; the relationship between rational and irrational levels of mastering the world in the form of eidetic cognition. The principle of problematicity is considered in the context of solving problems of scientific activity.

Struve in Emigration about History and Historical Knowledge

Article is devoted philosophy of history of Peter Struve. Ideas of the Russian thinker are analyzed in a context of philosophy of Russian abroad. Problems of the philosophical bases of history and a historical science are analyzed. Publicistic («The Diary Of The Politician» 1925−1935) and philosophical works of Struve in emigration аre considered. 

The Conception of Autopoiesis: Existence, Cognition, Activity

This article is devoted to the conception of autopoiesis given by Chilean
neurobiologists H. Maturana and F. Varela. Autopoiesis as a basic
property of living systems is a foundation for considering of such as
existence, cognition and activity. This conception also makes possible
to explain social processes and cultural phenomena.

Cognitive Interest as a Way of Expressing Subjectivity in Cognition

In the article the author considers cognitive interest as a problem of cognition that deals with a subjective side analysis of cognitive activity. The article represents the problem of cognition and interest correlation worked by J. Habermas. Cognitive interest is regarded as a unigue personal relation to the world. There had been regarding the definition of «cognitive interest» and defining the characteristic features of cognitive interest. The subject has both theoretical and practical importance. 


В статье представлено соотношение истины и интеллектуаль-
ной свободы. В центре анализа находятся специфика свободы 
в контексте эволюции рациональных структур познания, взаи-
мосвязь нормативной коммуникации и свободы, роль разума в 
развитии форм свободы познания. Познание рассматривается 
в контексте решения проблем человеческого бытия в мире, при 
этом раскрывается значение категорий свободы и истины для 
понимания природы субъекта знания; в частности, исследуются 
проблема объективности научного знания и вопросы формиро-