Correlation of ideas about an asocial personality with the values of cadets of the National Guard of the Russian Federation

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the conditionality of subjective ideas about an asocial personality with a system of individual values of cadets. The study was conducted on the basis of the Saratov Military Order of Zhukov Red Banner order Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis. From the middle of the twentieth century to the present day, a wealth of empirical material on this topic has been accumulated.

Youth perceptions and attitudes about artifi cial intelligence

Introduction. The development of information technology (IT) and artifi cial intelligence (AI) are signifi cantly changing the modern world, which raises the question of the impact of these technologies on humankind. Theoretical analysis. Research on human-IT interaction is most often determined in terms of benefi ts for education, threats in terms of harm to health, including psychological health, and the formation of addictive behavior. However, the sphere of attitudes towards AI has been researched insuffi ciently.

Notions of Students about Risks of Involvement of the Person in Criminal Activity: Focus-Group Research

The article presents the results of a focus group study of respondents’ submissions (university students) on the potential risks of involving a person in criminal activity in modern society. The judgments of the representatives of the target group were based on the experience of everyday life (one’s own, acquaintances and relatives) and information obtained from the mass media. The content of respondents’ social representations is structured in relation to social groups (adolescents, youth and adults) and the specific risks of accusing them of criminal activity.

The Imaginations about Social-Psychological Descriptions of the Characters of Difficult Communication

The article analyses the results of empirical research on students imaginations about socialpsychological descriptions of the characters of difficult communication of the representatives of the social-directional occupations, as the example. It underlines the likenesses and the differences of the imaginations in a number of incentives (a social worker, a lecturer, a medical worker).The article points out the generalized portraits of difficult partners in communication.