
Development of Thinking of the Subjects of Education in the Process of Studying of the Theory of Inventive Problems Solving

In this article the theoretical aspects of influence of the theory of Inventive Problems Solving (TRIZ) are stated as a new educational area of knowledge at the development of thinking of the subject of education. The main characteristics of system-logic thinking have been specialized. Criterions and levels of its development have been defined.

Motivation of the Professional Development of Future Teacher- Psychologists under the Conditions of Informatizatsii of the formation

The subject matter of the article is the problem of professional motivation development of the intending teachers in the field of psychology in the frame of education informatization. Ac cording to the suggested motivation model of the use by the teachers - psychologists of informa tion technologies in the context of meaningful learning in the content area, two basic motivation vectors have been singled out: the formation of the psychological readiness of the intending teachers to the activity under study.

Art in Intellectual Aerial of the Modern Society

In the article «Art in intellectual aerial of the modern society» is produced trial of the inspecting art as the one of the factors which is directing development of the society. The factors lost their meanings. Appealing to the moment of the appearing of the creating efforts of the human, the author does the conclusion that those efforts appeared on the special basis of the attitude human with the world.


Статья  посвящена  анализу  типологии  культуры  военной  без-
опасности  российского  социума.  Автор  представляет  на  дея-
тельностной ступени защитное и предупредительное объясне-
ния; на идеологической – интерналистское и экстерналистское 
толкования; на ценностной – этатистскую и антропоцентрист-
скую  интерпретации  культуры  военной  безопасности  россий-
ского  социума.  Особое  внимание  обращено  на  проявление 
осведомлённости российского социума о своей уязвимости и 
формирование им адекватного ответа. Формулируется вывод, 
