Evolution of educational milieu psychological safety conceptualizing in Soviet “school film”

The authors analyze the representations of school as pictured in Soviet films of 1930–1980s seen as a source for reconstruction of the notions concerning the safety of the educational milieu – self-generated as well as imposed by elites – that were characteristic of Soviet society. The discussion seems crucial for critical approach to those social stereotypes underlying modern conceptions of the educational milieu safety that were mostly shaped within the limits of the previous historical period.

Problem of the Language Nature Historical Interpretativeness: Narrative and Mythological Ways of Historisation

Article contains a problematic view at an opportunity to establish
historical field exceptionally in a context of language interpretativeness.
Because revealing of necessary aspects of the reality seen from
prospect of history becomes possible only under condition of realization
of essentially new description of a way of reflection about the world.
That, as a matter of fact, means detection of the certain historical period
limited to language toolkit.

Opinion as the Cognitive Form: Statement of a Problem and Prospect of Research

In article are offered results of the research devoted to logic-epistemological analysis of such special cognitive form, as the opinion, articulated as the certain narrative structure - doxamorphic discourse.