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Internality Predictors in a Situation of Economic, Physical and Social Deprivation

Systemic analysis in medical psychology involves the study of the impact of both physical and social restrictions (disability) on the psyche of the patient and economic deprivation. To overcome the disease situation psychologically, the patient has to be ready for difficult life situations, which also include situations of failure. A sick person needs objective and subjective external support both of the family and other people in order to keep his or her active life position, especially if the person has a disability.

Specificity of Inter-Level Relations in the Structure of the Integral Individuality of Students with Different Levels of Adaptation in a Stressful Situation

The article presents data from a statistical study using factor analysis, which made it possible to identify the specificity of inter-level relations in the structure of the integral individuality of students who differ in the level of adaptation in stress. The following methods were used: methods for determining neuropsychic stability, the risk of maladaptation in stress “Prognosis”, methods for the structure of formal-dynamic personality traits by V. M. Rusalov, the method for diagnosing the typological properties of the nervous activity by J.