Russian idea

Logos and Tao: from Metaphysics to Anthropology

The article compares the primary names in Logos tradition and numeric matrix of antitradition. Tao as a metaphysical and also anthropological metaphor, according to the author's opinion, belongs to primary names’ ladder. How does logocentric «Russian idea» relate to the Chinese tradition of Tao? Hermeneutic clarification of metaphysical and anthropological content of these traditions is the maintenance of the article.

Russian Idea: Character and Meaning

The author analyzes reflections and meanings of the russian idea. The
author based his research on studies of religious sources and special
literature on problems of history of Russian philosophy and elaborates
upon the vivid expression of the Russian idea as «Mother Russia». At
the same time the author researches the antinomy of religious and
political meanings of such concepts as «Moscow is the Third Rome»
and «The Great Russia».

Language, Metaphysics and Russian Idea

In article internal communication of language, metaphysics of Russian Idea is considered. Presence of metaphysical measurement – the constituting beginning of Russian Idea. This beginning is realized thanks to language-symbol on which basis
the mentality of Russian spirituality is formed.

Russian Idea: Historical and Philosophical and Social Foundations

The article examines the genesis of the notion «Russian idea», its place
in Russian religious thought, its influence on public consciousness of
Russian intelligentsia of the late XIX – the early XX centuries