Russian philosophy

The purpose of non-classical art as a philosophical problem (based on the philosophy of V. S. Solovyov, S. N. Bulgakov and N. A. Berdyaev)

Introduction. In the modern world, the problem of the purpose of art remains relevant due to the emergence of various forms of non-classical art. Modernism and postmodernism differ from classical art, therefore it is inappropriate to transfer the purpose of classical art to these movements without a deep analysis. It seems reasonable for the analysis of non-classical art to consider it through the spectacles of Russian religious philosophy. Theoretical analysis. Representatives of the philosophy of unity and the representative of religious existentialism N. A.

V. I. Zasulich about the philosophy of F. Nietzsche

Introduction. The article is devoted to the work of a Russian revolutionary, writer and Marxist theorist V. I. Zasulich. The subject of consideration is the historical and philosophical views of the thinker, which are analyzed on the basis of her work on modern idealism and one of its brightest representatives – F. Nietzsche. The purpose of the work is to analyze V. I. Zasulich’s ideas about the philosophy of F. Nietzsche. Theoretical analysis. The works of V. I.

The Problem of the Nature of «Self» in Russian Philosophy

In article the concepts of «self», stated in works of N. Lossky, S. Franc and L. Lopatin are critically considered. Arguments against the idea of transcendence of «self» in relation to the phenomenal content of the consciousness, contained in N. Lossky and S. Frank’s works, are stated. The position of L. Lopatin, assuming immanence of the «self» to consciousness contents, is supported.

Sofia as an Image of Eternal Feminine in the Philosophy of V. S. Solovyov

The paper understands the image of Sophia as the eternal feminine in the concept of V. S. Solovyov, analyzes the preconditions for emergence of the image, and also examines the role of femininity in the context of development of Russian religious philosophy. Sophia can exist in two main forms, the created and the uncreated that makes the key issue in analysis of Solovyov’s philosophical views the understanding that both forms of Sofia are relevant only to the world, separated from God.

Historical-philosophical views of V. I. Zasulich (On the example of the work “Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The experience of characteristics of his social ideas”)

The article is devoted to the work of the Russian revolutionary, writer and Marxist theorist V. I. Zasulich. The subject of consideration is the historical and philosophical views of the thinker, which are analyzed on the basis of her study devoted to the work of J.-J. Rousseau – “Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The experience of characteristics of his social ideas”, which previously remained almost without the attention of researchers. The purpose of the work is to analyze the basic principles of the approach of V. I.

B. V. Jakovenko about Russian Philosophy

B. V. Yakovenko's works devoted to Russian philosophy are analyzed
in article. Jakovenko rejects idea of feature and originality of Russian
philosophy, becoming the opponent of N. A. Berdjaev's ideas.
Author argues that, in spite of critical relation to Russian philosophy,
B. V. Jakovenko is a part of Russian philosophical tradition.

Russian Idea: Historical and Philosophical and Social Foundations

The article examines the genesis of the notion «Russian idea», its place
in Russian religious thought, its influence on public consciousness of
Russian intelligentsia of the late XIX – the early XX centuries

Methodology of Designing of Social Memory in Russian Philosophical Tradition

In article works of little-known Russian philosophers of the beginning of XX century I. M. Grevs and N. P. Antsiferov, devoted to a problem of designing of social memory by means of excursion an expert are considered. The author considers methodological preconditions of the similar relation to the past and reveals potential of use of constructivist methodology for the decision of pressing questions of social philosophy.

German Pronunciation of the Historiography of Russian Philosophy

This article is devoted to the analysis of development of such scientific discipline as the historiography of Russian philosophy. The text compares two contrary points of view to the character of Russian philosophy: the loan-word one and the original one. The article points out how the loan-word paradigm of the historiography received the preference to the original paradigm in the first period of the historiography` s development.

Moral in Politics: Social and Religious Contexts of Russian Philosophy

The question of moral and politics correlation has a deep background. All philosophers, who studied political process, made different conclusions. The correlation of moral and politics is very important problem in the world of modern social changes.
