Russian philosophy

In Sourses of National Philosophical Culture Formation:the Russian Literary Salons of 19 Сentury

This article is dedicated to the research of the literary salons 19 century on the example of A.P. Elagina, Z.A. Volkonskaja and V.F. Odoevskij salons. We analyzed positive and negative traits of these salons, the problems, the places and the significances of the literary salons in Russian culture. It is proved scientifically: they have rendered great services to the forming of the national philosophical ideas and to their dissemination.

About Features of S. Н. Bulgakov's Philosophical Outlook

The article is devoted to the consideration of the features of the philosophical worldview of S. N. Bulgakov – a representative of Russian religious philosophy of the turn of the XIX – early XX centuries in the context of the cultural and historical and socio-political realities of the time and the established traditions, trends characteristic of Russian philosophy. On the whole, the understanding of the philosopher’s philosophical creativity is not possible without knowing the main coordinates of his worldview.

Architects of Utopia: «A Town Without a Name» of V. F. Odoyevsky

Theoretical significance of Utopia has not lost its projecting importance because constant want of cardinal changes, the wish to exceed the bounds of reality and to accomplish the impossible are the known signs of Utopian thinking, discrepant and dual by itself. From the one hand, it gives hope for happiness and, being subverting in its nature, impudently, in an innovatory manner withstands and disputes the existing reality.
