русский язык как иностранный

Formation of critical thinking components in cadets in the process of learning Russian as a foreign language

Introduction. One of the tasks of modern education is the formation of the competencies of the «Systemic and Critical Thinking» group. Theoretical analysis. The article reveals the meaning of the concept of critical thinking, highlights its components and substantiates the significance of the development of this thinking in the cadets of the preparatory course, since it is during this period that the skills of working with scientific literature written in Russian are laid. Empirical analysis.

Studying Russian as a foreign language at a technical university in the aspect of a culturally-oriented approach

Introduction. The article deals with the issue of studying the Russian language as a foreign language in a technical university in the aspect of a culturally oriented campaign. Theoretical analysis of the material on this issue allows us to note the relevance of this study and formulate a conclusion about the need to use a culturally oriented approach in a technical university, thanks to which foreigners can be adapted to a foreign-language socio-cultural environment. A number of problems are identified that impede the effective assimilation of the Russian language.

Propaedeutic Course of Deontology in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language in Medical University: Perspective of Study Manual

The article proposes the idea of methodical and didactic materials for the development and introduction of a two semester course of propaedeutic discipline “Introduction to deontology (the linguistic aspect)”, which includes topics related to speech culture and rhetoric and realized in the following main topics: “Business ethics in the doctor”, “Culture of scientific and professional speech”, “Good speech”, “Stylistic synonyms in the speech of the physician”, “Medical rhetoric in practical and scientific activity of the doctor”, “Communicative competence of the doctor”, “Speech strategies a