S. L. Frank

The founder of the Saratov University psychological school S. L. Frank (on the occasion of 145th anniversary of the scientist)

The article is devoted to the 145th anniversary of the outstanding philosopher of the 20th century S. L. Frank (28.01.1877–10.12.1950), who preserving the pre–revolutionary traditions of teaching psychology as part of philosophy at the historical and philological faculties of Russian universities, in 1918 for the fi rst time in Saratov began teaching psychology at Saratov University, thus becoming the founder of the regional psychological school. An apologist for philosophical (idealistic) psychology, Frank invited Professor A. A.

Spiritual psychology of S. L. Frank in the context of modern tasks of the development of Russian social psychology

The introduction highlights the points of contact between the ideas of S.L. Frank’s spiritual psychology and the theme of “generational survival”, developed within the framework of metamodernism and metapsychology, and the relevance of spiritual psychology for solving the problems facing modern Russian social psychology. The theoretical analysis is devoted to understanding the essence of the phenomenon of spirituality, the connection of the spiritual and socio-psychological in the works of S. L. Frank, the development of S. L.

S. L. Frank: The dialectic of sobornost

The concept of sobornost in the philosophy of S.L. Frank is considered on the basis of a dialectical approach. Sobornost is revealed in the “dialectic of inseparable-unmerged” bi-unity, the divine-humanity of a man in social reality from abstract forms to its concrete expression, each stage reached qualitatively or categorically changes our being, making up for our potentiality with partial relevance.