
The Self-Relation as the Determinant of Personal’s Subjective Well-Being

The goal of the study was to identify the psychological aspects of self-relation as component of subjective well-being of personality of students. Theme is identification the specifics of people’s self-relations formed in various national-psychological, socio-political and economic conditions; the subject is self-relation as a determinant of subjective well-being of ethnic Russians and Kazakhs. For the diagnosis of subjective well-being method «The scale of subjective well-being» adapted by M. V. Sokolova was applied.

Comparative Analysis of the Social Concepts Role in Adapting to the Situation of Severe Disabling Somatic Disease

Perceptions of health and illness are basic to human consciousness, as in health situation and in situation of the disease. Identifying specificity concepts of healthy and sick person in a situation of severe stigmatizing disease is to aid understanding and clarify the mechanism of selecting adaptation strategies. The study found that for patients with tuberculosis express ideas about health related to health as the lost value.

Personal characteristics of codependent parents of addictive adolescents

The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical studies of the characteristics of the main structural components of the personality of codependent mothers of drug addicts. It is shown that codependency has several components: cognitive, personal, emotional and behavioral. The article presents the results of an empirical study carried out on a sample (n = 58, 29–60 years old, codependent mothers of addictive adolescents) on the basis of the Doverie rehabilitation center in Saratov. Appropriate diagnostic tools were used: a test to determine the level of codependency (B.

Features of Self-Injurious Behavior in Adolescence and Youth

The research is aimed to studying features of self-injurious behaviour in adolescence and youth. This purpose makes us analyse such characteristics as self-attitude, coping behaviour, cases of psychological traumatization, deviant socialization and self-injurious behavior. Three types of self-injurious behavior: a deviant, a prosocial and a personality-dysfunctional one are defined.

Theoretical-Experimental Bases of Socio-Emotional Cultures Formation of Orphan Adolescent Personal Culture

An attempt to consider socio-emotional development of adolescents, brought up out of family, from the point of view of socio-emotional culture on basis of cultural-historical theory was undertaken. The methodological basis of factor analysis and development conditions of socio-emotional cultures of orphan adolescent in educational environment is presented here. The direction and logic of experimental investigation was define. The factors, influencing on success of socioemotional culture development of interpersonal relations were characterized.


В статье исследуется динамика развития самоотношения как эмоционально-оценочного компонента самосознания личности на протяжении подросткового и юношеского возрас- та. Приведены результаты сравнительного анализа, выполненного на выборке подрост- ков и юношей (N = 113), который выявил структурные особенности их самоотношения.


Статья  посвящена  анализу  субъективных  характеристик  си-
туации  болезни  у  больных  ишемической  болезнью  сердца  с 
точки зрения оценки качества жизни. Качество жизни рассмо-
трено  как  междисциплинарное  понятие.  Автор  подчеркивает 
значимость  оценки  качества  жизни  в  контексте  восприятия 
ситуации  болезни  как  преграды  в  самореализации  и  транс-
формации адаптационных стратегий. Исследована специфич-
ность  оценки    качества  жизни  и  его  роли  в  трансформации 


Статья  посвящена  исследованию  зависимости  готовности  к 
риску  от  компонентов  самоотношения  личности.  Целью  ис-
следования  является  выявление  взаимосвязи  готовности 
к  риску  и  компонентов  самоотношения  в  трех  поколениях. 
Проанализирована структура самоотношения в трех поколе-
ниях. Дан сравнительный анализ выраженности компонентов 
самоотношения у мужчин и женщин; установлены различия в 
оценке компонентов самоотношения в зависимости от возрас-
та испытуемых: молодое поколение высоко оценивает само-