Adolescents and Self Explanatory Style Events Parents

Representations of the child about yourself begin to emerge in the process of interaction with parents, it is in the family are the foundation for a favorable or unfavorable development of selfappraisal of the child. The possibility of the relationship adolescents teenager with how positively interpreted the events emotionally close parent.

Theoretical-Experimental Bases of Socio-Emotional Cultures Formation of Orphan Adolescent Personal Culture

An attempt to consider socio-emotional development of adolescents, brought up out of family, from the point of view of socio-emotional culture on basis of cultural-historical theory was undertaken. The methodological basis of factor analysis and development conditions of socio-emotional cultures of orphan adolescent in educational environment is presented here. The direction and logic of experimental investigation was define. The factors, influencing on success of socioemotional culture development of interpersonal relations were characterized.

Correlation between Self-Esteem and Self-Injurious Behaviour

The article considers the results of the research of self-injurious behaviour and correlations between self-esteem and self-injuries in informal youth subcultures.