ситуация болезни

Predictors of subjective feeling of social support in women with oncological diseases of the reproductive system

Introduction. The relevance of the study of predictors of subjective feeling of social support in cancer patients lies in the prevalence and social significance of this disease with a pronounced vital threat. Theoretical analysis. The concept of “disease situation” is ambiguous, it includes difficulties associated with the course of the disease, its social consequences, and the social support available to patients as a possible resource. This implies the need to consider this resource and the factors of its effectiveness. Empirical analysis.

Adaptative Strategies under the Conditions of Serious Disabling Disease as a Subjective Element of the Disease Situation

The article analyzes adaptive strategies of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in terms of the author’s «disease situation» concept. The identified strategies are considered as aspects of the «disease situation» subjective element. The author examines the model of coping strategies, which is specific for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, as a system of coping strategies contradictory in its functions, connected with the semantic refocusing of a person and the rejection of a new social identity of the disabled person.

Formation Stages of a Dependent Position in a Situation of Disease

The concept of the disease situation can be considered as interdisciplinary because it has both a bodily and social, objective and subjective context. The physical components of the disease form a limitation of the physical and social possibilities of the patient. In the social sense, the disease situation reflects a different degree of a loss of professional status, social roles, in particular, forming the role of a person to be cared for. The most significant mechanisms of personal transformation are the intensity of internality and the reflection of the self-determination's sphere.

The Concept «Disease Situation» – Objektive and Subjective Components

The article examines the phenomenon of disease. The author thinksthat this phenomenon is a complex system of many reasons with factors, influencing each other. That means that it is necessary toanalyze total combination of the person’s development conditions, theobjective social situation of development (L.S. Vygotsky), which putthe person into chronic somatic disease.The author has worked out and approved the concept of the diseasesituation.


Проблема реабилитации и ресоциализации больных хрониче- скими соматическими заболеваниями и инвалидов требует рас- смотрения этого процесса в интегративном контексте различ- ных научных дисциплин: медицины, социологии, социальной и медицинской психологии. Одним из вариантов решения этой задачи является анализ ситуации болезни и личности инвалида с точки зрения представления о маргинальности. В статье рас- смотрена трансформация личностной ресурсности социальных предикторов ситуации болезни больных сахарным диабетом как без инвалидности, так и с ней.

Social and Psychological Aspects of Personality Adaptation of the Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

The article represents the subject-social approach to the analysis of the disability situation ; through the example of diabetics. The author considers the problem of re-socialization of ill and disabled people in the social and psychological context, the system of internal and external determinants. The system of psychological and socio-psychological factors of the situation subjective component and the ideas about the sick role and a healthy role and evaluation of life quality are revealed.


Статья  посвящена  анализу  субъективных  характеристик  си-
туации  болезни  у  больных  ишемической  болезнью  сердца  с 
точки зрения оценки качества жизни. Качество жизни рассмо-
трено  как  междисциплинарное  понятие.  Автор  подчеркивает 
значимость  оценки  качества  жизни  в  контексте  восприятия 
ситуации  болезни  как  преграды  в  самореализации  и  транс-
формации адаптационных стратегий. Исследована специфич-
ность  оценки    качества  жизни  и  его  роли  в  трансформации