социально-психологическая адаптация

The socio-psychological adaptation of Indian students in Russian University

The introduction notes the increase of educational migration and the relevance of creating the necessary conditions for the successful socio-psychological adaptation of international students in Russia. The theoretical analysis is devoted to identifying modern problems of adaptation of international students in universities in different countries, including Russia.

Social Adaptation-Psychological of Youth and Propensity to Risk

In the article results of the analysis of a place and a role of risk in system of social adaptation-psychological of the person of representatives of young generation are discussed. The structure of social adaptation-psychological in interaction with readiness and propensity to risk is studied.

Subject Conditions of Professionalism and Success of the Teacher of Higher School in the Context of Leading Theories of the Person

In a context of theories of person of A. Adler, G.S. Sullivan, A. Maslow, K. Rogers and A. Bandura the system of conditions, significant for professional success of the subject of scientific and pedagogical activity comes to light, representations of «successful» and «unsuccessful» teachers of the higher school about the factors necessary for achievement of professionalism are analyzed, their conditionality by activity of subsystems of mentality according to functional model of psyche of the person developed by R.H. Tugushev is considered.

The Interrelationship of Representations about a Lie and the Strategy of Behaviour of Modern Youth during Social-Psychological Adaptation

The paper studies the features of comprehension and the use of a lie in the adaptive behavior of modern student's youth. A number of socially-psychological characteristics of examinees depending on their adaptation level are analyzed. The interrelationship between representations of students about a lie, their adaptation levels, preferred strategy of behavior in interpersonal relationships, and also a degree of development empathic and Machiavellian tendencies is established and empirically proved. Features of a lie use in the individual strategy of social behavior are revealed.


Статья  содержит  результаты  анализа  социально-психологи-
ческих  особенностей  адаптации  кадетов-пятиклассников  к 
условиям  жизнедеятельности  в  кадетской  школе-интернате. 
Автор  рассматривает  факторы,  обусловливающие  трудности 
адаптации  кадетов-пятиклассников,  а  также  приводит  крите-
рии  ее  успешности.  Представлены  результаты  диагностики 
эмоционально-личностной  сферы  учащихся  по  показателям 
субъективного  эмоционального  состояния,  уровня  школьной 
тревожности. Выявлены различные виды стресса, которые ис-


В  статье  представлены  результаты  социально-психологического  исследования  адапта-
ционной активности казахских и русских старшеклассников. Социально-психологическая 
адаптация рассматривается как постоянный активный процесс приспособления и измене-
ния личности во взаимодействии с окружающим миром. Анализируется основной резуль-
тат адаптационного процесса – субъективное благополучие личности. Рассматривается 
этнопсихологическая специфика взаимосвязи адаптации и субъективного благополучия.