социальный миф

Social myth as a factor in constructing images of the future

The article defines the contemporary social myth as a value-laden phenomenon with the potential and significance, but which is used in different ways by actors – an indwelling by a myth, a creator of a myth and a critic of a myth. The process of myth-making is considered as launching the so-called work on myth, which includes both the activity of myth-makers and the functioning of the myth in the masses.

Homo Ludens 2.0: The Limits of Mythologization in the Digital Space of the Game

The article considers the processes of mythologization in the game space. The author, noting that current mythological processes in fact occur simultaneously with mythmaking, compares the specifics of mythological activities in public life and in the digital space. The systematic approach is used to study the contemporary myth. The analysis of such closely related components of modern social mythology as ritual and game is carried out. The game is considered as one of the mythocontent phenomena of the ritual.

Politics as a Sphere Where Ideologies Exploit the Social Myths

The article considers the political sphere as a space of social mythology objectification. The state acts as a mediator smoothing of the social contradictions with the help of ideologies, which are based on certain social myths. Exploitation of social myths by ideologies makes it easier to influence social consciousness. Each state through the prevailing ideology (which may exist in its formal or informal way) is implementing a specific development program thus exploiting the myth or set of myths.