
Beyond Postmodernism: Jean Baudrillard and the Other Dimension of Myth

The article considers the problem of myth in the late works of Jean Baudrillard, which go far beyond the postmodern paradigm of thinking. It is shown that the development of the work of the French thinker was dictated by the logic of breakthrough, which forms a peculiar dialectic of “meetings” and “partings,” where a meeting with the postmodern myth of simulation meant breaking up with the myth of the scientific, and breaking up with the postmodern myth, in turn, meant a transition to new horizons of understanding the mythological component of modernity.

Art in Intellectual Aerial of the Modern Society

In the article «Art in intellectual aerial of the modern society» is produced trial of the inspecting art as the one of the factors which is directing development of the society. The factors lost their meanings. Appealing to the moment of the appearing of the creating efforts of the human, the author does the conclusion that those efforts appeared on the special basis of the attitude human with the world.

The Highest Values in Strategies of Civilization Development

This article is devoted to analysis of descriptions and contradictions of humanism. It is emphasis, that the formation and the degeneracy of humanism is a main cause of crisis the modern European consciousness. In proclamation the orientation to the human being, the different directions of humanism are rejecting the objectivity of highest values and went over to the position of nihilism.

From Safety of XX Century to Culture of Safety of XXI Century

Social and political lifes reality causes the needs of recomprehending of the traditional imagines of safety. Previous view of its solution shows its transient character in consequence of the theory and the practice were found in front of necessity of making present phenomenas new paradigm. With a great share of probability we can state that the answer should search attached to investigation of varied problems of safety culture.


Современная  эпоха  –  это  эпоха  быстрых  изменений,  форми-
рования  ценностей,  отличных  от  предыдущих,  формирования 
человека иного типа. Объектом исследования статьи становит-
ся человек будущего. Перспективы и риски становления новой 
реальности – виртуальной – скрывают опасности другого рода 
– опасности потери человека. Появляющиеся его характеристи-
ки  как  техночеловека,  киберчеловека  содержат  существенную 
особенность – зависимость человека нового типа от технических 


Статья  посвящена  проблемам  понимания  религии  в  целом  и 
конкретных  религиозных  традиций  в  современном  мире.  Для 
современного  человека  характерно  наличие  аберраций  в  от-
ношении религии. Причины данных аберраций могут крыться в 
недостатке аутентичной, достоверной информации, обращении 
индивида не к оригинальным, но к вторичным источникам инфор-
мации, стремлении к синкретизму. В данной статье на примере 
традиции  исихазма  представлены  основные  типы  аберраций,