Structural and functional analysis of the socio-psychological status of a group subject

Introduction.For the first time the approach was proposed to the study of the socio-psychological status of a group subject, in which the status is understood as a systemic formation reflecting accordingly business, axiological, formal-hierarchical and attraction-expressive aspects of the group position in the basic organization. Theoretical analysis.

Mentality and Mental Setup as Categories of Social Philosophy

The article considers the methodological foundations of international and Russian studies of mentality within the framework of different approaches in the XIX–XX centuries. Having analyzed interpretations of the categories mentality and mental setup and their interrelation in a number of studies, the author’s justification of the differentiation of these categories in social philosophy is offered.

The Dialogic Structure of Artistic Reflection

This article is devoted to analysis of dialogic dimensions of art as an essential phenomenon in artistic experience of contemporary man. The concept of «dialogue» is analyzed to be the fundamental principle of the relation of a person with art. The concept of «artistic reflection» is considered as a key to problem of the dialogic interpretation of artistic work. Phenomenon of artistic dialogue is interpreting here as a unity of individual and common in artistic experience. The author also promises the conception of essential levels of this dialogue as a factor of personal development.

The Ratio of Envy, Subjective Well-Being and Social Skills

The problem of determination of envy, multi-level mechanisms of its regulation is one of the urgent problems in today’s dynamic and highly differentiated society. The study of the relationship of envy, subjective well-being and social skills can reveal the direction of the links between these variables. The study involved 196 people of both sexes (44% of men) aged M = 28.6; SD = 8.5. The research was based on the technique for the diagnosis of personal enviousness and subject areas of envy (T. V. Beskova), methods of measuring subjective well-being of the individual by R. M.

Systemic-Structural Method in Ecological Investigations

This article is devoted to consideration of systemic-structural method and two ecological approaches. Both of approaches have restrictions in solving ecological problems. Author tries to summarize both of approaches and to meet a lack of approaches using systemicstructural method and ecoethics.

Mathematical Object in the Modern Philosophical Discourse

The problem of the bases of mathematics directly mentions questions of existence and the ontological status of mathematical object and is defined by the content of two basic contradictory methodological conceptions - realism and constructivism. It is shown that at the heart of their opposition dialectic relations of categorial pairs «individual−general», «subject−object», «essence−phenomenon» lie.

The City is Considered as Complex Synergetic Self- Organizing System

The city is considered as complex synergetic self-organizing system in which the historical, economic, sociopolitical ecological and other laws coherently operate, causing by the joint action existence of mechanisms of functioning of city in general.


The research represents a personal identity «self»-aspects factorial structure of American respondents. The research participants were offered AIQ-IIIx Aspects Identity Questionnaire by J.M. Cheek and L.R. Tropp.


Language in the Communicative Structures of the Information Society

In this article the tendencies and conformities of language development as a complete informative system, taking into consideration the definite regime of it existence as a totality of the elemental informftion composits of a language ( words, notes) are analyzed. Comparing information structures, such as information process, informarmation acyivity and information technology and their correlation through thecommunications we can deduce the definire regimes of their existence.


Forming of the Universal Key Competences: Psychological Aspect

Universal competence, as the structural element of key competences, considers as the integrative property of subject of training activity. It has determined four basic component of the universal key competence: motivational, cognitive, activity- communicative, reflexive. Dates components of universal competence are theoretically have investigated in the interrelation with the process of thinking.
