субъекты образовательного процесса

Use of interactive teaching technology at different stages of a university foreign language class

The importance of communicative learning of foreign languages in higher education has increased due to economic, political and cultural processes taking place in the world nowadays. The problem of finding effective means of ensuring the communicative nature of the educational process seems to be highly relevant at the present stage of teaching methodology development. The use of interactive methods can help teachers to implement the requirements of the Standard in the organization of the educational process of teaching foreign languages at university.

Value Profiles of Modern Students and Teachers at Universities: Consensus or Gap?

The article presents the results of the empirical study which serves the purpose to analyze and compare value profiles of modern university lecturers and students as the main subjects of educational process. To verify the assumption that there was no value gap between the representatives of the studied groups a research among 80 participants (60 students and 20 teachers) has been made. The “Portrait Questionnaire” by S. Schwartz was used as a diagnostic tool and the criterion Mann – Whitney was used to establish the significance of the differences.