Specific Character of Humanitarian Paradigm in the Study of Professional World View of Expert in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports

This article is dedicated to specific humanitarian paradigm in the study of professional ideology of expert in physical culture and sports. The forming of professional ideology of expert in physical culture and sports supposes the formation of a functional system based on values of physical activities: health, body, movement, which will be shown in all spheres of life.

Principle of Diachrony in Study of Socialization

This article discusses the methodological foundation of the study of socialization of personality. Stresses the need for procedural analysis of levels of identity from the point of view of their social context. Expands the methodological principle of synchronic studies of socialization. Presents the contours system-synchronic approach to socialization.

The theory of a just state in the philosophical concept of the institutional person

The antagonisms in the development of modern social relations make working out the idea of creating comfortable life conditions for a person in society topical again. This circumstance suggests reconsidering the theory of a just state within the context of the philosophical conception of the institutional person with a substantial comprehension of the institutional organization of society comparing it with the variability of the tasks of modern democracy.

Phenomenology of “Life-World” of the Military Service

The article presents the characteristic of the military service as a system based on social phenomenology, which divides life-world into several levels, several “life-worlds”. The core of the life-world is the corporeal world, psychophysiological individual content. The main carriers of the military service culture are officers. In the conditions of military service spiritual values, traditions, convictions, symbols are essential because they play a decisive role in shaping the individuality of a military man.

The Metasystem Analysis of School Adaptation

In article the phenomenon of school adaptation from the point of view of the system and metasystem approach is analyzed. Allocation of subsystems of school adaptation is proved. The system of adaptation of pupils to training at school is presented as a part more the general system. The filling of a highest level of development of system of school adaptation - metasystem level is opened.

The City is Considered as Complex Synergetic Self- Organizing System

The city is considered as complex synergetic self-organizing system in which the historical, economic, sociopolitical ecological and other laws coherently operate, causing by the joint action existence of mechanisms of functioning of city in general.

Theatre Space Phenomenon: Philosophical and Culturological Analysis

In this paper the author analyses the theatre space as a culturological category which is characterized with time, spatial length and valuable bases. Distinguishing two layers - the external and the internal - leads to division of the declared phenomenon into two ontological layers - «the theatre space» and «the space of the theatre». The author grounds the rightfulness of such division and analyses each layer.

Coordination of School Interactions

The author considers laws of the organisation of the big and open system of interactions of the schoolboy and the educational environment. Possibility of use for disclosing of laws of functioning of the given system of some positions of synergetrics is proved.