The relational aspect of non-emotionality

Introduction. The article presents the relational aspect of non-emotionality as a type of cognition and scientific development of reality in particular. The focus is on non-emotional states that influence scientific activity and characterize the modern type of scientific rationality, as well as the relational concept of time. The aim of the research in this regard is to study the ontological sources of the phenomenon of non-emotionality, the conditions and relationships that lead to creative solutions. Theoretical analysis.

The practice of perceiving space and time from an existential-phenomenological perspective

Introduction. In contemporary philosophy there is an emerging interest in space and time in relation to the existential-phenomenological tradition. Theoretical analysis. The article analyses some modern approaches to the problem of space and time in the context of the above-mentioned methodology, as well as those approaches that either stand in opposition to the phenomenological tradition or try to form the related understanding of the problem.

Reflexive representation of parental relationships as a determinant of adult temporality

Introduction. Parental attitude is a condition for the child’s development, including his temporal characteristics - features of the attitude to time. Theoretical analysis. The attitude to time as a manifestation of adult temporality is due to the reflective idea of parental attitude towards him. There are differences in perceptions of parental relationships in subjects with temporal dependence, indifference, and plasticity as manifestations of adult temporality. Empirical analysis. The respondents were 209 people aged 25 to 31 years.

«Mirror Metamorphoses» in Comparative Phenomenology of Clarification of Mind

Article is devoted the comparative analysis of phenomenological experience of «pure consciousness» in various traditions, as sacral, and деsаcranunted. Various updatings of symbolics of a mirror in which result similar receptions «mind clarifications» in phenomenological experience of different traditions are compared. Specificity of experience of Orthodoxy in its relation to mirror symbolics is considered. 

The Transformation of Concepts about Space and Time in the Classical Philosophy and Science

The aim of this work is to determine the features of the development of concepts of space and time in philosophy and science that could in the future perspective reveal the principles of transformation of the philosophical categories in the categories of science. In the article is analyzed the content of the categories of space and time in the classical philosophy and science. The author considers the basic ontological concepts of the Renaissance and Early modern period, compares and analyzes the characteristics of the models of space and time.

Christian mystical experience in the panorama of transformations of non-classical ontologies of being-in-time

Trajectories of intersection and divergence between philosophical and religiously mystical versions of the ontology of being-in-time are studied in the article. It is concluded that the soul is constituted in qualitatively different time than “I”. If the soul is the junction of times, then “I” lives in the place of time breaking. The exit from time to eternity is preceded by the transformation of temporality by the junction of time in the modus of the present.

Time in digital history

The article is devoted to the problem of representation of the image of time in digital history. The author understands digital history as a scientific direction that studies the history of digital society, as well as the history of the creation and application of information and computer technologies, their impact on the history of a man and a human society within the framework of epistemic arenas. Epistemic arenas bring together human scientists, the masses of Internet users, digital technologies and media.

Social Ontology of Culture in the View of Anthropological Reflection

The article is devoted to the social ontological analysis of culture in its anthropological reflection. The problem field of the ontology of culture initially involves the process of anthropogenesis. We are talking about the consideration of the origin of human society and culture with the help of the comparative-historical method of genealogy, aimed at identifying the origins and beginnings of human existence. The specificity of the philosophical method of Friedrich Nietzsche’s genealogy is considered.

Landscape Ontology: Existential Continuum

The phenomenon of the space-time continuum of the landscape is considered in the article. The author pays special attention to the problem of human life in a complex system and the totality of all components of natural and natural-anthropogenic landscapes. In describing the essence of the spatial-temporal continuum of the landscape, the emphasis is placed on the investigation of the dangerous transformation that occurs when anthropogenic impact of natural complexes of the indigenous landscape is taking place, which negatively affects the conditions of human activity as a social subject.

Temporal Modi of Social Identity

The article is devoted to the analysis of temporal characteristics
of social identity. It is emphasized that the recognition of time of
personal existence by an individual is the most important condition
of understanding of the identity and the means of its structuring.
The person’s choice of a certain temporal vector is determined by
sociocultural factors. It shows the system of values and the type of
behavior in society and after all the specificity of a certain cultural model.
