The Link between Time Perspective, Personality Traits and Self-Injurious Behaviour of Opiate-Dependent Patients

The article covers the results of the study on time perspective, personality traits and self-injurious behaviour of drug-addicted patients. Statistically high rates of depression, irritability and reactive aggression are distinguished; time perspective is characterized by hedonistic and fatalistic fixation on the present, negativistic evaluation of the past and uncertainty of the future; there is a high rate of self-injurious acts in the sample.

Characteristics of an Influence of the Time Orientation of Personality on a Choice of Professional Activity's Sphere

This article examines interrelation of the time orientation of anindividual and his occupational activity. It is done on the basis of the empirical data analysis applying themethods of logistic regression. A level of predictive value of the created models was defined. Most valuable features of the time orientation were identified for estimation of probability of individual belonging to a certain occupational area.

The Social-Psychological Features of Children from One-Parent Families

This article is devoted to the analysis of theoretic and practical concepts about children, nurtured in one-parent families. It contains the results of investigation of motivation’s components, a socialpsychological adaptation, a preference to time perspective, a selfmanagement, communicative and organizational abilities. It shows some differences between children from one-parent family and complete family.