
Creativity and innovativeness of the subject of labor in the new socio-economic conditions

Introduction. The article analyzes the factors that create a demand for innovative development of the economy: the low level of innovativeness and labor productivity, the growth of bureaucracy in management. The demand of innovative economy for creative personnel is discussed. Theoretical analysis.

The Possibilities of Applying the Personal Typology of D. Keirsey in the Identification of Gifted Adolescents

The paper presents the results of the study of adolescent giftedness in the context of the personal typology of K. Young-D. Keirsey. A comparative analysis of the distribution of temperaments types (in the sense of D. Keirsey) on the Western samples of gifted adolescent , on the one hand, and the winners of the competition in the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, was carried out. It is proved that the frequencies of NT and SJ temperament types in both samples are generally consistent, namely: they are represented significantly more often and less often than the average, respectively.


Статья  посвящена  анализу  типологии  культуры  военной  без-
опасности  российского  социума.  Автор  представляет  на  дея-
тельностной ступени защитное и предупредительное объясне-
ния; на идеологической – интерналистское и экстерналистское 
толкования; на ценностной – этатистскую и антропоцентрист-
скую  интерпретации  культуры  военной  безопасности  россий-
ского  социума.  Особое  внимание  обращено  на  проявление 
осведомлённости российского социума о своей уязвимости и 
формирование им адекватного ответа. Формулируется вывод,