
The Secular and the Religious Aspects in Modern Education

One of the peculiarities of modern communication is the desire to learn another culture not singling out its values, i.e. the qualitative characteristics of the modern world development is the unconditional priority of knowledge over traditions. Thus, the immanent aspiration of any culture to a dialogue is opposed to the actual running globalization. Modern globalization process is, first of all, the birth of the new social system, built on the domination of informational technologies.

Valuable Sistem of Modern Youth in the Conditions of Social Changes

Transformation of social representations, different social and individual changes highlights the issue of value-semantic relation to oneself and the world in the context of a person’s integrity and activity. It is emphasized that the era of modernity is characterized by the revision of established social norms, the revaluation of values. The article describes the value priorities of students, clarifies their nature and informative content, sex and age dynamics is determined, value types are indicated.

Risk and Safety in a Modern Social and Philosophical Discourse: Valuable Aspect

In article the problem of a ratio of risk and safety in daily existence and consciousness of the modern person is considered. From positions of valuable approach the author reveals interrelation of these categories, and also defines preconditions of updating of a perspective of safety in a modern discourse social and the humanities. Within the accepted approach safety types in traditional, modernist and post-modernist society are considered.

The concept of creativity in the problem field of modern social philosophy

This paper speaks of the growing interest in the category of creativity among the scientific community of interdisciplinary discourse, and the place of creativity among philosophical disciplines. Creativity as a property of the social environment is characteristic of the type of society in which traditions have not managed to become a universal form of behavior, prompting the subjects of society to permanently reflect on habitual patterns of behavior, the production of unique forms, and the original synthesis of previously known ideas and social practices.

Features of the Transformation of the Criminal Subculture in Modern Society: The Role of Organizational Culture

Relevance. The study of the specific organizational culture peculiarities within group entities conducting criminal economic activities is significant for understanding the essence of such organizations, socio-psychological mechanisms of their potential influence on society. So far, the criminal subculture has not been considered from the point of view of postmodernism methodology, the influence of the role of organizational culture on its development. Purpose. Develop the theoretical foundations of the study of criminal subculture that are adequate for modern society. Method.

Value Factors of Risk Propensity in Military University Cadets at Different Stages of Military-Professional Socialization

The study of the role of values through the prism of the problem of risk and risky behavior in the process of military-professional socialization of cadets is an interesting and important task of social psychology. Adherence to certain basic universal values, the formation of a willingness to take risks for them, or vice versa, their rejection, significantly affect the successful performance of service activities of military personnel, and therefore on society and the state as a whole.

Value Profiles of Modern Students and Teachers at Universities: Consensus or Gap?

The article presents the results of the empirical study which serves the purpose to analyze and compare value profiles of modern university lecturers and students as the main subjects of educational process. To verify the assumption that there was no value gap between the representatives of the studied groups a research among 80 participants (60 students and 20 teachers) has been made. The “Portrait Questionnaire” by S. Schwartz was used as a diagnostic tool and the criterion Mann – Whitney was used to establish the significance of the differences.

Scientific and Technical Rationality: Horizons of Interaction

The article develops the author’s concept of relations between communication and isolation in the structure of the totality of technology and science, the ratio of rational to normative scientific, cognitive and technical structures. The focus is on the nature of ideals and norms of scientific and technical research, the types of scientific and technical rationality, their interdependence, and their role in cognition. The aim of the work is a comparative analysis of scientific and technical rationality based on the study of the foundations of science, technology and paradigms.

The Relationship of Subjective Well-Being and Cultural Values of Russians and Kazakhs

The aim of the study is to analyze the ratio of subjective well-being and cultural values of Russians and Kazakhs living in Russia and Kazakhstan. The study was conducted among proportionally selected samples of representatives of two ethnic groups of Russians and Kazakhs of Russia and Kazakhstan: 75 people (a total of 300 people). Methodology of the study includes “The Satisfaction with Life Scale” by E. Diener in adaptation of D. Leontiev, E. Osin; "Subjective Happiness Scale" by S. Lubomirski and Kh. Lepper in adaptation of D. Leontiyev, E. Osin.

Dialogue of Church and State: Problem of Interpretation in Conservative Ideal and Political Philosophical Tradition and Political Theology of K. Shmitt

Traditionally, for many centuries, the dialogue between the Church and the state was characterized by a significant influence of the Church on all major spheres of social life in most countries of the Christian world. Revealing the theocratic foundations of the institutionalization of the value dialogue of the church and state in modern societies, the author focuses on clarifying the causes of the spiritual and moral crisis of Western civilization.
