
Philosophical-Methodological Approaches to the Analysis of Co-Operation of Different Public Consciousness Forms

In the article genesis of public consciousness is presented as the motion from primary sinkretichnost through differentiation and polarization to the prospects of spirit forms’ integration. Research of public consciousness forms co-operation is possible within the framework of methodological approaches, based both on separate philosophical conceptions and studies and on general methodologies of scientific-cognitive activity.

Modes of the interaction between network structures in a conflict situation

The article is devoted to the study of ontological, phenomenological and axiological modes of the interaction between network structures in the situation of a conflict confrontation. The aim of the work is to identify the modes of the interaction between network structures, and to clarify their specifics in the context of conflict escalation.

Dynamics of indicators of interpersonal relationships of courses of a military university at different stages of military and professional socialization

The article deals with the actual problem of interpersonal relations among military personnel. The urgency of studying this problem is determined by the high importance of this special social group, which performs the function of protecting society and the state. The purpose of the paper is to study the dynamics of indicators of various characteristics (styles) of interpersonal relations among cadets of a military higher educational institution in the process of military-professional socialization in the context of studying the specifics of interpersonal relations among military personnel.

Scientific and Technical Rationality: Horizons of Interaction

The article develops the author’s concept of relations between communication and isolation in the structure of the totality of technology and science, the ratio of rational to normative scientific, cognitive and technical structures. The focus is on the nature of ideals and norms of scientific and technical research, the types of scientific and technical rationality, their interdependence, and their role in cognition. The aim of the work is a comparative analysis of scientific and technical rationality based on the study of the foundations of science, technology and paradigms.

Cross-cultural Dialogue in the Global World: Philosophical-Comparative Analysis

This article represents a specific cross-cultural dialogue in a space of modern global world. We have formulated the conclusion that the dialogue of cultures nowadays is a condition of mankind’s selfpreservation.

External Judgment Superimportance Phenomenon and Interpersonal Relations Disorder

The article is devoted to the social-psychical phenomenon, which acts as a nonspecific factor of maladaptation of an individual. It reflects the problems of persons attitude to other peoples judgment and is determined as an external judgment superimportance phenomenon. The article shows main directions of destructive effect of the phenomenon on different levels of socio-psychical adaptation of an individual.

Coordination of School Interactions

The author considers laws of the organisation of the big and open system of interactions of the schoolboy and the educational environment. Possibility of use for disclosing of laws of functioning of the given system of some positions of synergetrics is proved.

Christianity and Science: from Autonomy to Interaction

This article is devoted to consideration of the main tendences in solving by modern western christian theologians the problem of relations between Christianity and science. Today here is elaborated a new vision on history and modern state of interrelations between science and theology. Here is stressed an injustice of statesments about their principally opposition and fixed a positive influence of Christianity on the development of European science. There is no common theologian opinion about the mode of modern interrelations between theology and science.

Development Conflictologist Teacher

The article is devoted to the development of conflictological teacher. Examines the causes and contradictions are analyzed for the emergence of conflicts in the educational environment on the basis of which actualized the leading role of the teacher in the process of being solved. Focuses on the characteristics of the types of resilience, a system that can be considered as con-flytothefinish teacher.


Сформулирован  социокультурный  парадокс  различения  «Я  – 
Другой», заключающийся в том, что, с одной стороны, много-
голосье  и  полифония  Других  способствуют  гармонизации  и 
амплификации развития личности, группы, культуры, а с дру-
гой стороны, многообразие Других способно актуализировать 
страх, тревожность, враждебность и агрессивность, приводить 
к  взаимному  антагонизму,  конфронтации,  противостоянию  и 
дискриминации.  Утверждается,  что  обозначенный  парадокс 
