Cite this article as:

Аксеновская Л. Н. Methods of Order Diagnostic of Organizational Culture. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2010, vol. 10, iss. 4, pp. 63-68. DOI:

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Methods of Order Diagnostic of Organizational Culture

The author's technique of socially-psychological diagnostics of the organizational culture, developed on the basis of the order concept of organizational culture is presented. The general descriptions of a technique, forms of questionnaires are given. The way of use of
questionnaires for diagnostics of organizational culture is shown.


1 См.: Аксеновская Л.Н. Ордерная концепция организаци-
онной культуры: вопросы методологии: в 3 кн. / Л.Н. Ак-
сеновская. Саратов, 2005. Кн.2.
2 См.: Аксеновская Л.Н. Ордерная модель организацион-
ной культуры / Л.Н. Аксеновская. М., 2007.

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