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Mozzhilin S. I. Prospects for the evolution of the form of public organization in Russia in the context of globalization. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 3, pp. 273-277. DOI:
Prospects for the evolution of the form of public organization in Russia in the context of globalization
The purpose of the article is to analyze the prospects for the socio-economic development of Russia. The work uses a culturalhistorical approach, applies methods of critical philosophical reflection and dialectical logic. The main attention is paid to considering the most acceptable form of social organization for Russia, following the traditional features of its historical evolution. The work focuses on the importance of fostering patriotic sentiments for the successful existence of the state and society. The logic of the research shows that at present the ideas of patriotism and liberalism are the main ideological constructs, on the approval of which not only the form of social organization, but also the possibility of the existence of an independent Russia largely depends. The author believes that there is no need for Russia to create a form of public organization in the likeness of Western countries. Russia can occupy a worthy economic niche, provided that there is a public organization in which national and personal interests are harmoniously combined, where there will be no exaggeration of the importance of private property, relative to state one.
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