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Syusyukin V. A. The network society and the institute of education: A dimension of socio-philosophical understanding. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 287-292. DOI:
The network society and the institute of education: A dimension of socio-philosophical understanding
Introduction. The issue of the article is devoted to the study of the institution of education in the network society from the standpoint of socio-philosophical analysis. Theoretical analysis. Using various methodological approaches, it was found out that the modern institute of education undergoes serious transformations on institutional, spatial and functional levels. In the conditions of network reality education institution includes not only educational and upbringing practices but also represents one of the central socio-economic actors which sets positive dynamics of the state development in the most important strategic directions. The author of the article asserts the central place of education as an institution that generates and transmits knowledge, which is capable of becoming an epistemic base for further development of the network society. Conclusion. The author concludes on the hybrid nature of the institution of education in the network society. On the one hand, mass digitalization has set a new moral-ethical and technological system of coordinates, but on the other hand, education is still connected to the classical classroom learning, live human communication, the value foundations of each subject of education. Such a complex dual nature of the institution of education in a network society testifies to contradictory social processes, by examining which social philosophical science can critically assess modern social existence.
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