
Separation Status and Experience as Factors of Cognitive Assessment of Separation Situation with Parents in the Student Age

This article presents the analysis of cognitive component of separation situation from parents by the medical students. The special semantic differential was used to assess the situation of separation by the parental family. The comparative analysis of the cognitive assessments by different separation status (this is a fact of separate inhabitancy) and separation standing (this is a time of separate inhabitancy) groups of students (N = 687) showed differences in such features like stressful, competitive spirit and equality of participants’ positions.

Coping Strategies of People, Suffering from Drug and Alcohol Addiction, with Different Levels of Hardiness

This article presents results of an empirical study intended to analyze coping strategies of people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction with different levels of hardiness. First theoretical approaches to hardiness and its components: commitment, control, challenge, have been analyzed. The study was conducted in a rehab center for people suffering from drug and (or) alcohol addiction. The study involved 37 people suffering from drug and (or) alcohol addiction – 27 men and 10 women aged 16 to 47 years old. All the people were in remission lasting from several days to several years.

Motives for Starting a Business and Representation of the Government Systems of Enterpreneurs with Different Types of Motivation

In this article we research government systems and motives of the beginning of business on entrepreneurs with different types of motivation. Our basis is the classic works of the Russian school of psychology (L. S. Vigotskiy, P. Ya. Galperin, A. N. Leontiev) and the author's model of motivation type. The model include motivation and demotivation. The sample included entrepreneurs with different experience of doing business. Also we use standard methodology for diagnostics of motivation - Methods for diagnostics of achievement motivation A. Mehrabian).

Severity of Cognitive Needs and Specificity of Inter-level Connections in the Structure of Integrated Individuality of Students of High School

The article presents the results of a study, whose purpose is to study the relationship of severity of cognitive needs with the different level indicators in the structure of integrated individuality of students. Was used correlation analysis, which revealed the inter-level dependence psychodynamic, personal, socio-psychological properties in correlation with the severity of cognitive needs and self-efficacy of the individual.

Vaishnava’s Internal Religious Motivation

The division of the religious motivation into extrinsic and intrinsic can be found in the research works of G. Allport. However, the idea has been developed and now we can come across various terminology and constructs concerning the internal motivation. The concept of internal motivation due to I. Stoykovich and G. Mirich is based on the empirical material and reflects natural connections between different factors. That is an undisputable advantage of this concept. We have used the questionnaire of I. Stojkovich and G.

Recognition of Facial Expressions and Individual Personal Characteristics of the Observers

The goal of this study is to identify relationships between the accuracy of recognition of standard facial expressions (taken from the Ekman and Friesin ‘pictures of affect’ series) and individual personal characteristics of the observers. The presentation times of the target faces for the recognition task are varied (13, 26, 39 and 52 msec.). The total number of the participants is 34.

Socio-cultural Codes and Psychological Boundaries of Neighbourship

The paper puts forward the results of a reflexive analysis of proverbs and sayings about neighbours and neighbourship, which are representing the collective wisdom, preserving and projecting ontologic value of large social groups.

To a Problem of Spirituality in Organization

raised, and the concept of «spirituality» is analyzed in scientific term. The author discusses religious-, secular- (mind, creativity), ethics-based approaches to spirituality, and separates concepts of «spirituality» and «morality». Modern theories of organizational psychology such as «workplace spirituality», «spiritual leadership» and «spiritual intelligence» are observed in this article. A special role of spirituality in forming of organizational effectiveness and individual contentment of personal activity is emphasized.

Social and Psychological Aspects of Personality Adaptation of the Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

The article represents the subject-social approach to the analysis of the disability situation ; through the example of diabetics. The author considers the problem of re-socialization of ill and disabled people in the social and psychological context, the system of internal and external determinants. The system of psychological and socio-psychological factors of the situation subjective component and the ideas about the sick role and a healthy role and evaluation of life quality are revealed.

Self-activation Factors of Students with Disabilities (by the Materials of Pilot Study)

The article show the analysis of the concept of self-activation of the personality with disabilities (HIA), and show results of research the self-activation’s factors of the students with HIA. It was clarified, the self-activation of the personality means psychological activation, containing a perception, an appraisal, an analysis to external signals (environmental conditions, examples of important people), containing their internal processing to adopt and accept the most of valuable and meaningful for oneself.
