

В статье представлены результаты эмпирического исследования, целью которого является анализ удовлетворенности базовых потребностей мирных жителей, проживающих в условиях вооруженного конфликта. Показано, что респонденты из районов малоинтенсивных и интенсивных обстрелов только частично довольны реализацией своих потребностей.


Возможность реализации когнитивных стратегий углубления и расши рения в ситуации когнитивного взаимодействия в диаде при запоминании и воспроизведении текстов зависит как от характера взаимоотношений между членами диады, так и от логической организации стимульного материала (использованы описательный и объяснительный тексты). В результате экспериментов с участием дружеских диад и диад случайного характера установ лено, что отношения аттракции ориентируют диаду на применение логиче ских приемов, когда такие приемы неэффективны.


Изучались социальные репрезентации сотрудничества преподавателями университетов г. Саратова трех профилей: естественного, социально-гуманитарного и инженерного с помощью свободного ассоциативного теста с пятью возможными ответами. Объем выборки N = 300, из них женщин 66%, мужчин 34%, средний стаж 15 лет, SD = 10, доктора наук составляют 13%, кандидаты наук – 68%, магистры и специалисты – 19%. Все три профиля были представлены одинаковым количеством респондентов. Для интерпретации ответов использовались структурный подход Ж.-К. Абрика и методологические инструменты П. Верже.

Copying Strategies and Attitude to the World in Voluntary Emigration

The article considers the problem of sociocultural adaptation of voluntary emigrants through the prism of stress-related behavior and the specifics of their attitude to the world. Specific features of coping strategies and characteristics of the external and internal world of Russian citizens living abroad in the United States, Britain, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Austria (N = 70) are determined. It was revealed that women in voluntary emigration more often than men use the strategy of seeking social and emotional support.

The Possibilities of Applying the Personal Typology of D. Keirsey in the Identification of Gifted Adolescents

The paper presents the results of the study of adolescent giftedness in the context of the personal typology of K. Young-D. Keirsey. A comparative analysis of the distribution of temperaments types (in the sense of D. Keirsey) on the Western samples of gifted adolescent , on the one hand, and the winners of the competition in the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, was carried out. It is proved that the frequencies of NT and SJ temperament types in both samples are generally consistent, namely: they are represented significantly more often and less often than the average, respectively.

Theoretical Analysis of Projective Methods and Modern Drawing Test «Bird»

This article deals with an analysis of the projective methods currently in use. It demonstrates the way in which pojective testing can be used to help identify basic personality functions and both emotional and cognitive disorders, and illustrates problems affecting the theoretical foundations of projective experimentation during the development of the projective technique, while also putting forward a classification of the projective tests currently in use in Russia.

Research Educational Environmentin in Russian Psychology: from Methodological Discussion by the Empirical Results

It provides the most important methodological approaches to the study of social and educational environment that have emerged throughout the twentieth century in the Russian psychological and pedagogical science. Substantiated formation of ecological education of psychology as a research direction.

Comparative Analysis of the Formation Level of the Adaptive Readiness Structural Components of the Individual to a Dynamic Educational Environment

The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the level of formation of structural components of the individual’s readiness to adapt to a dynamic educational environment. Adaptation readiness for changes and risks serves as an indicator of the success of the formation of individual personality traits in a person, as well as cognitive and social development of students in the educational space. An important aspect for the process of forming adaptive readiness is the isolation of its structural components, which can act as adaptation criteria.

The Script Adaptation of Foreign Students in Russia

The article presents the results of theoretical reflection and empirical research of sociocultural adaptation of foreign students, who studing in universities of Saratov. Proposed the construct of “script adaptation”, involving a project of action of the individual, aimed at its adaptation to new sociocultural conditions.

The Correlation of Career Orientations of Managers with Professional Activity and Overall Life Satisfaction

In the article author analyses the career orientations and factors of professional activity and the overall life satisfaction of managers in The Republic Bashkortostan with the use of a questionnaire of career orientation «Anchor career» E. Shane in the translation and adaptation V. A. Chicer, V. E. Vinokurova and multi-factor questionnaire of behavior and experience, work-related called AVEM authors W. Schaarschmidt and A. Fischer in the adaptation of T. Ronginskaya.
