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Strizoe A. L., Khrapova V. A. Cultural status: The dialectics of objective and subjective. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 52-56. DOI:

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Cultural status: The dialectics of objective and subjective

The article is devoted to the philosophical understanding of the concept of “cultural status” in modern scientific discourse, which includes structural-functional and communicative approaches and allows to identify the invariant features present in this concept. These features, according to the authors, are associated with the category of measure, which fixes the balance of the diverse features of human nature. Cultural status reflects the position of its bearer in the space-time continuum and the context of values, norms, and relationships. It also sets a certain degree of autonomy, an ontological self that determines the perspective of vision. The interpretation of a status as a position allows us to reveal the relativity of any order, the qualitative uniqueness of the subjects of culture and the ways of mastering space. Allocation of subjective and objective aspects of cultural status makes it possible to describe the functions and fields formed by its carriers. The proposed approach allows us to study the risk-generating nature of the modern socio-cultural space.

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