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Kostritskaya T. A. Denial of motherhood as the ideological basis of the androcentric tradition. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2, pp. 134-138. DOI:

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Denial of motherhood as the ideological basis of the androcentric tradition

Introduction. Androcentrism as an initial ideological attitude largely determines both the content of classical philosophical texts and the approaches of researchers to their interpretation. Theoretical analysis. It is noteworthy that androcentrism of "West" and "East" rests on the same ideological postulates. Their identifi cation is the purpose of this work. The way to identify them is a consistent answer to the question of how, in principle, is androcentrism possible as an ideological position that displaces to the periphery of humanity that part of it that pays the price with its own health, pain, and sometimes even life itself for its physical reproduction? Conclusions. It was revealed that the basis of androcentric ideology is the patriarchal theory of birth postulating the importance of the «seed». It is based on the three interrelated postulates, which in terms of content are patriarchal ideas about a woman which are based on the denial of her as an integral and autonomous being. This negation also defi nes the structure of the "private" sphere, thus determining both the worldview of individuals and the structure of society as a whole. This work is recommended for consideration by those researchers who seek to comprehend society as such and patriarchal society as its modern form.

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