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Listvina E. V. Educational Environment: Socio-Cultural Aspect. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 474-477. DOI:
Educational Environment: Socio-Cultural Aspect
The article analyzes the relationship between the concepts of educational space and the educational environment characterized by syncreticity, internal integrity, and attempts to determine the relationship of the educational environment with the establishment of the role of culture in education. Noting such trends in modern education as de-territorization, de-institutionalization, the author believes that there is an increasing need to activate the symbolic principle in the educational process. The author relies on the difference in the definition of “educational space” and «educational environment», pointing to the totality, dynamism, mobility as important qualities of the educational environment. The author considers the fundamental role in the process of education of cultural, mental component, inscribed in the structure of the educational environment. The article notes that in various educational systems the individual is somehow forced to come into contact with the accompanying process of learning communicative, discursive, cultural practices, elements of everyday culture, acting as a two-way filter: both on the part of the student and the host side. In terms of unification of the elements of the educational process, the educational environment contributes to the preservation of socio-cultural sustainable forms that have developed on the basis of cultural traditions.
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