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Frolova S. M. Information and communication technologies in the context of modern development of society. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 3, pp. 288-292. DOI:
Information and communication technologies in the context of modern development of society
Introduction. Constant use of technical devices in everyday life increases the risks of occurrence and realization of communication strategies of behavior that have a negative impact on human relations with the outside world, and it affects the ability to perceive information, the formation of interpersonal communication skills, and the ability of conflict-free interaction in offline format. The author shows that despite the fact that the latest communication technologies on the one hand provide comfortable living conditions, on the other hand, they cause a number of problems. Theoretical analysis. The article deals with the theoretical reflection of the peculiarities of social development under the conditions of intensively developing information and communication technologies. The author analyzes techno-social transformations (in communication and leisure activities) and reveals the essential problems of social changes. Conclusion. The conducted theoretical analysis allows us to conclude that innovative technologies have not rid mankind of destitution and poverty, have not made people happy, have not reduced the number of risky situations, have not protected from existential threats. Meanwhile, the development of technology is an inevitable and important component of the genesis of society. To overcome the negative effect of development it is necessary to work out fundamental philosophical, organizational and practical foundations for the development of modern society, since high technology involves an analogous level of training and spiritual maturity of a modern man.
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