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Савельева О. Е. Modern American school during the crisis of the colorblind racial ideology. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 3, pp. 344-348. DOI:

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Modern American school during the crisis of the colorblind racial ideology

The article analyses the ideological crisis, which the US system of education faces nowadays. It evaluates the colorblind racial ideology that has remained predominant for several decades, its basic features, strong and weak points, and a number of social racial problems, which arose due to the prevalence of this ideology in schools and colleges of education in the USA. The author brings a set of reasons given by supporters of the considered ideology, and proves the fact that despite its original right-mindedness this ideology often gives reverse results. The study dwells upon the ways of how the colorblind racial ideology negatively influences the educational process of the black US citizens. It also highlights the XXI century’s alternative trends, which advocate for multicultural education and encourage instructing people on racial problems and interaction. The conclusion goes that the search of optimal ways to integrate the culturally relevant pedagogy into the USA’s system of education has started but is still far from being completed, which provides space for a wide range of further scientific and methodological research. 

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