Cite this article as:

Kurchatova N. Y. Pedagogical Activity on the Organization of Youth Self-Governance at a Faculty. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 107-111. DOI:

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Pedagogical Activity on the Organization of Youth Self-Governance at a Faculty

The article considers the concept of «youth» and the specificity of the development of this age group within society and university. The author points out that the students of a faculty are a specific youth group, which needs to focus on their own development, as well as in need of support and acceptance by the group of peers and self-fulfillment in it. On this basis, one of the directions of pedagogical activity at a faculty is the creation of the students’ self-government, the center of which should become a student council as a strong organizational core.

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