Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия «Философия. Психология. Педагогика» 2012, Т. 12, вып. 2
Philosophical-Methodological Approaches to the Analysis of Co-Operation of Different Public Consciousness Forms
стр. 15
Research on the Correlations between Musical Preferences and Individual Psychological Features of a Person
стр. 67
Image of Native Land and People in Ethnic Stereotyped Conceptions of Russian and German Students
стр. 81
Transformation of Representations about the Responsibility During Professional Socialization of Lawyers
стр. 85
Rational-Psychological Justification for an Empirical Criterion of «Self» Identity in Transcendental Philosophy by I. Kant
стр. 88
Moral and Legal Education of Students in the Modern University: Methodological Analysis
стр. 98
Planning of the Cadets’ Patriotic Military Training Technology in a System of Higher Military Education
стр. 101
The Module-Competence Approach to Training of Cadets of the Higher Military-Vocational Training
стр. 105