Cite this article as:

Хутчев С. Н. Problems of the Graduates Professional Military Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Forming of the Military Educational Institutions of Higher Professional Training of Ministry of the Interior of Russian Federation. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 4, pp. 117-?.

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Problems of the Graduates Professional Military Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Forming of the Military Educational Institutions of Higher Professional Training of Ministry of the Interior of Russian Federation

The author analyses the cadets' professional military training, based on the fundamental concepts of human psychophysiologic memory. The classification of professional skills from the point of view of their functional area and cognition activating grade has been represented. There have been investigated the correlation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the cadets' professional military training.


Hutchev Sergey Nikolayevich 

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