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Senatorova K. P. Professional support of the family bringing up the child with OVZ (the case of children with hearing impairment). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 106-110. DOI:

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Professional support of the family bringing up the child with OVZ (the case of children with hearing impairment)

In the modern Russian education system, there are a number of discrepancies, when at the legislative level the rights of a child with disabilities to study in the environment of normatively developing peers are recognized, but at the educational level the educational process remains unchanged, and therefore the professional activity of teachers requires deep rethinking. At the center of this discrepancy is the family of a child with disabilities, which is disoriented in the social situation, moral categories and personal values. One of the most effective ways to overcome social maladjustment of a family raising a child with disabilities, from the author’s point of view, can be tutoring, the purpose of which is to increase the rehabilitation competence of parents (legal representatives) in raising “special” children. The article reveals the difficulties faced by the family of a child with disabilities, mastering inclusive education, highlights the features of accompanying a family raising a child with auditory deprivation, using the example of the work of S. L. Rudnitsky Saratov Center for Hearing and Speech. The author considers this center, which accepts children from an early age, as an organization of additional education and a special resource for helping the family. The article presents the results of a study of parental competence about children with hearing impairments. Research by specialists from S. L. Rudnitsky Saratov Center for Hearing and Speech confirms the fact that parents raising “special” children need special knowledge for effective educational impact on the child.

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