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Misyurov N. N. “The old burden” of subjectivity in criticism of L. Feuerbach and Junghegelianer. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 29-33. DOI:
“The old burden” of subjectivity in criticism of L. Feuerbach and Junghegelianer
The article is devoted to the consideration of key aspects of the socio-political meaning and direction of the philosophical and theological doctrine of the Junghegelianer. The nomination of philosophy as the “mother of sciences”, combining the old metaphysics and new dialectic, to the center of the social “agenda” is explained both by internal reasons (split in the Hegel “school”, competition from positivism, renaissance of theological thought), and the impact of external factors. The problem of understanding “subjectivity” in the philosophical critique of the 1840s, which turned out to be a stumbling block for many panellists, is explored; the categorical content of the concept has not been clarified. The task is to identify the basic characteristics of such widely interpreted “subjectivity” and clarify the positions of the parties. Replacing the speculative practices of the “old” Kantian school with intellectual (going from Schelling) “procedures” of philosophizing formed a completely new philosophical paradigm of a different era. The revolution of 1848 updated many philosophical ideas, filling them with social content. The conclusions state the contradiction and a certain eclecticism of the philosophical designs of the Junghegelianer.
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