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Grigoryeva M. V. The Ratio of Discriminatory Attitudes of Personality and Behavior Strategies Towards the Discriminated. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 63-68. DOI:

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The Ratio of Discriminatory Attitudes of Personality and Behavior Strategies Towards the Discriminated

The results of an empirical study of the relationship between discriminatory attitudes of personality and behavioral strategies in relation to discriminated people are presented. The purpose of the study is to identify significant statistical relationships between discriminatory attitudes of a person and strategies for his or her behavior in a conflict, as well as types of interpersonal behavior. Discriminatory attitudes were measured by self-esteem of the power of prejudice towards representatives of a certain social group (scale of 7); strategies for overcoming a conflict were determined by the method of K. Thomas; types of interpersonal behavior (types of attitude towards people) were revealed using the method of T. Leary. The study involved 104 people, the average age of M = 32.7; SD = 14.1 (men – 34%). In the process of correlation analysis, new statistically significant relationships between discriminatory attitudes of a person, strategies for their behavior in a conflict and types of personal behavior were identified and interpreted, namely: the desire for cooperation reduces the power of prejudice towards migrants, politicians and people with high incomes; rivalry is a factor of increasing prejudice towards other ethnic groups, representatives of other religions, other social communities, victims of crime, representatives of youth subcultures. Discriminatory attitudes are more closely related to avoidance strategies. Three types of interpersonal personality behavior (subordinate, dependent, aggressive) are the most widely associated with discriminatory attitudes, with dependence and aggressiveness more often increasing the power of prejudice and subordination reducing it. 

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