адаптационные характеристики

Interrelation of the Social-Psychological Adaptation of a Personality and the Coping-Behaviour Strategies of Pupils and Students

The problem of social-psychological adaptation of a personality in the context of the overcoming difficult and stressful situations is considered in the article. The result of an analysis of socio-psychological characteristics of personality adapts and the basic coping-behaviour strategies of pupils of the higher forms and underclassmen. Interaction between the studied effects is established and the ways of an effective overcoming of the stressful situations are nominated.

Correlation Between Creative Potential and Coping-Strategies of Personality of Higher School Students

The current study considers the problem of creative potential of personality in context of overcoming of difficult stressing situations. The results of analysis of contents of creative possibilities of personality and of basic coping-behavior strategies of students with different professional orientation, are represented. For the majority of students «solving the problem is escape from emotions» model of coping-stressful behavior strategy is characteristic.