The Basic Directions of Perfecting the System of Education in Russia

The article analyses the tendencies of modernization and development of the system of education in Russia in connection to the world experience.

Content of training in cross-cultural interaction of post-graduate law students by means of the English language

The article is devoted to the problem of education content that is significant for modern pedagogical theory. It is written using teaching English to postgraduate students at Saratov State Law Academy as an example. A foreign language for postgraduate students in higher education institutions has always been associated with the postgraduate students’ major in which they carried out scientific research.

Pedagogical Innovations in a Context of Development of University Education

The article is devoted to one of the actual problems of modernization of university education in Russia. The ways of realization and effective introduction of innovative technologies of education are defined in it.

General Cultural Component of the Higher Professional Education (Competence Method)

The article deals with methodological basing of the notional content of personality´s general cultural competence in the author`s interpretation. The author reveals the notional content according to the following: personal knowledge, productive types of activity, potential possibilities, orientations in valuables and implications, operational-actional component.