Process Control System Interpersonal Communication at the Senior Preschool Children with Their Peers

The article is devoted to the problem of interpersonal communication with peers at children under school age. The system of control this process is revealed.

Responsibility as a quality of personality: Essence, formation, significance

The article discusses the significance of responsibility in providing safety of the environment surrounding the person. The problem is caused by the contradiction between the human need for security and impossibility in many cases to satisfy it because of inadequate fulfilment of the duties by employees. The purpose of the article is to outline the ways of solving this contradiction by pedagogical means. The methodological basis of the research is systematic, activity-based, and subject-subject approaches.

Students’ Patriotic Culture Formation

The article is devoted to the problem of students’ patriotic culture
formation during humanities learning process in the institute of higher
education. The author gives the analysis of the concept «patriotic
culture» as well as the system of its formation.

Mathematical Model as a Diagnostic Tool for Determination of the Formation Level of Pedagogical Tolerance

In her article the author specifies the term «pedagogical tolerance» and determines its psychological components. Mathematical model’s creation is described and theoretically justified stepwise. It helps to determine the level of pedagogical tolerance during its formation process, to set up a correspondence between real and necessary demonstrations of tolerant behavior in pedagogical practice. 

Forming of the Universal Key Competences: Psychological Aspect

Universal competence, as the structural element of key competences, considers as the integrative property of subject of training activity. It has determined four basic component of the universal key competence: motivational, cognitive, activity- communicative, reflexive. Dates components of universal competence are theoretically have investigated in the interrelation with the process of thinking.