
Typological analysis of a personality’s sociocultural orientation among the representatives of various age groups

The introduction focuses on the role of sociocultural determination, mechanisms of cultural transmission and social inheritance in the development of human psyche and personality. The theoretical part considers psychological types of a personality’s sociocultural orientation that were theoretically deduced through the analysis of a subject’s attitude to traditions and innovations, in-group and out-group culture.

Optimization of Students’ Independent Work from the Pozition of Competence – Based Approach

The article considers questions of independent work optimization as particular students’ learning and cognitive activity organization, stimulating the necessity in self-education, self-studying and continual professional perfection. The effectiveness of students’ independent work is connected with the enlargement of the cognitive activity area, the individual’s attitude to its substance and aspiration for achieving the stated objectives.

The Historical Aspect of Studying Innovative Pedagogical Activity

The paper gives an analysis of the historical and pedagogical aspect of studying innovational pedagogical activities which allows us to make the following conclusions: innovativeness has always been characteristic of educational work, determined the processes of its renovation, improvement and development as evidenced by the history of the formation of pedagogical ideas.

Modernization of the Post-Soviet Russia: from the Democratic Transition Period to Innovative Development

The article author examines the country’s post-Soviet (post-1991) development stages in terms of its both political and economic modernization. The author notes that at the first stage of reforms, the Russian government used a reflected scenario when implementing the reforms while copying the Western development scenario for the most part. Eventually, the government has managed to build an imperfect political and economic model which was rejected by the broad public. In the end, under Putin, it led to the change in the modernization vector.

Organization of Research Activities of Future Language Teachers in Foreign Countries

The article is devoted to the study of leading trends in the organization of research activities of future language teachers in foreign countries. General characteristics of innovative trends in foreign philological education are given and features of psychological, pedagogical, and linguistic training of future teachers of the native language and literature are highlighted. The expediency of using foreign experience in pedagogical universities of Russia is indicated.

Internal Challenges of Russia in the Context of Interaction «Urban −Rural»

The article deals so internal challenges to Russia, as a demographic problem, the deformation of national identity and leakage of human capital. They considered as interrelated phenomena, which are manifestations of certain global processes that have an objective basis. Using information theory of dynamical systems to build a system of interrelated categories describing these processes, and based on homeostatic modeling examines the specifics of their manifestation in the city and the countryside. We propose recommendations for decision-making in the management of these processes. 

Philosophical Interpretation of Essence of Innovations

This article is based on the phenomenon analysis of innovation and its activities. The philosophy of the innovative development is almost relevant to the intensification of innovative process and the fundamentals which is influenced by the public and private realities. The concept of Innovation is already defined and the prospects for the philosophical measurement is already set by its approach. In today’s life, we have large and wide approach for the innovative transformations which include human life, business, environment and our surroundings.